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Protect your business - beware of hackers! Thumbnail

Protect your business - beware of hackers!

All online devices, such as laptops and smartphones are at risk of security breaches. Cyber criminals prey on these devices for valuable client data, including social insurance numbers, banking and investment information, names, addresses and birth dates.

Use these tips to help keep your digital data safe.

If you think you’ve been hacked, take action!

Be vigilant
A data breach is serious and can be costly. Hackers can intercept money transfers intended for investment vehicles that can be financially and emotionally devastating for clients.

  • Check your Inbox, Sent, and Deleted folders for any unusual emails time stamped from around the time you think there was a breach.
  • Run a full computer disk scan to detect malware.
  • Contact Manulife to report any suspicious activity that may have affected your clients’ data.
  • Report ransomware attacks to the police or RCMP immediately. Original emails associated with fraud contain valuable data in their header code. Do not delete this evidence!

  • For more information about protecting client data, contact your wholesaler.